We live in a time of major change and transition. Daily life is filled with competing demands and we often feel stressed and overwhelmed. It can be difficult to find our centre and to remain focused. These meditation workshops are designed to help us regain a sense of connection and wholeness.
Each workshop includes an introduction to meditation practice, doing the practice, and discussion about
integrating the practice into our daily lives. Attend one or both as you are able.
The workshops are facilitated by experienced meditators, Linda Mulhall and Henri Lock
ALL ARE WELCOME regardless of experience.
Please register for one or both Workshops by emailing name: contemplativenetwork@gmail.com OR
Register online here: https://forms.gle/F4PuEKr6hvrGYrQB9
Fee: Pay from the Heart, as you are able, $0 to $25 at the door or by e-transfer to contemplativenetwork@gmail.com